By Robina Saeed

Last week marked my one year hijabiversarry so I thought it was time to write down those thoughts and experiences, both positive and negative I’ve had throughout my journey so far.
1) It’s a very obvious statement of who I am, so first impressions tend to be already forged and difficult to shift
2) It’s a privilege and responsibility
3) I love not having to worry about that food baby showing after a big meal
4) Or my hair having to be ‘on fleek’
5) It’s helped me to become more practising. I now feel comfortable stepping foot in a masjid, and it’s helped me to make practising friends
6) Hijab makes me happier. Because I know I’m representing Islam it makes me conscious to go that extra mile to smile at everyone and help anyone in need.
7) A lot of sisters who don’t wear hijab seem to think that I think that I’m a better Muslim than them
8) I get stared at. A lot.
9) But also respected more. Cat calls have been reduced by a percentage of 99% over the year.
10) I get stopped and searched at airports a lot more than I used to.
11) It’s my crown
12) People tend to have a pre conceived opinion of you because you’re a muslim women. So it’s nice to break that stereotype.
13) It’s a part of my identity
14) It keeps my ears nice and toasty in winter
15) The loose airy clothing keeps me cool in summer
16) People think I’m 20 kg heavier than I actually am
17) People automatically think I was forced and are surprised when I explain it was my own choice
18) My hijab is used as a piety meter
19) Apparently I shouldn’t *insert sin here* because I wear Hijab
20) I’m not perfect and don’t need to be to wear hijab
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Congratulations on your one year!
I was looking through a bunch of blogs online and came across yours. I wore the hijab when I was in grade 6 and I found myself looking back at how things were when I first wore it. I could probably relate to most of the confessions you’ve made. Funny how people have these preconceived ideas of you because of your religion and how we tend to break these stereotypes once people actually get to meet us.Overall, I really enjoyed this blog post.
Keep doing you 🙂